Monday, November 10, 2008

Florence, Italy

I took a day trip to Florence (Firenze to the locals) from Ferrara. Went on the train and saw more of the countryside then walked around Florence taking photos. Here are a few of them...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

London at night

Photos at last!

As promised i have a few photos to post. These are from Ferrara, Italy...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back in England

I set out to see the Sistine Chapel yesterday morning before deciding where my next stop would be but discovered November 1st is a religious holiday and everything was closed. There went that idea. Instead i enjoyed a hot chocolate and chocolate croissant (bloody expensive at €7.50)before walking around the River Tiber and St Angelo's Castle.
Then it was to the Metro and to Ciampino Airport to catch a flight to England. Weighing my options it seemed like the best idea as my cousin (my mum's mother's brother's daughter) has this week off from work so i figured it would be a good time to meet Irene in person and see some of England before taking more trips like the one i can't wait to take to Malta!
So that is the latest. I'm in Kent, England with a pub right next door to where i'm staying - my flight got in late last night but there was still time to drink at the pub and meet some of the locals. I promise i will post photos soon.